ACTS 1:8

As you hear the words ACTS 1:8, do you recognize the calling and mission being given to Christians? ACTS1:8 says, “But you will receive the power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth”.

In the time it was written, this would equate to your local, regional, and international brothers. In keeping with that command, St. Paul’s Anglican has strived to respond to those in need. In the past year, more than 21 organizations that cover countless individuals have received support through the funds provided by the annual Tea Room profits and distributed through prayers and considerations through the ACTS 1:8 Outreach Committee.

Your support has allowed the following organizations to grow:

Anglicans for Life: Supports sanctity of life through adoption, foster care, and pregnancy counseling in a nurturing Christian environment.

Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy: support for victims of trauma and first responders to trauma.

Dorchester Children’s Center: offers a safe haven, counseling, education, and rescue to those victims of domestic violence. There are now centers in Dorchester and Berkley.

Dorchester Habitat for Humanity: Volunteers who work to build affordable houses so that individuals can have a home and safe shelters. Recipients work alongside to foster ownership.

Doors to Freedom: Works with children, teens, and adults trying to break away from sex trafficking so they receive safe shelter, education, and counseling to change their lives.

Hebron Colony Ministries, Inc: Two centers (one each for women and men) to help provide spiritual, educational, and counseling to support those trying to break the cycle of addiction in a supportive family atmosphere fostering individual growth and independence.

Keys to Change (formally DCCO;Home of Hope, Hope’s House): Offers safe shelter, food, work placement, counseling in a way to restart their lives away from the dangers of homelessness.

HELP of Summerville: Organization that provides emergency support in times of financial crisis to help with electrical, food, and shelter emergency needs.

Lowcountry Pregnancy Center: Works to provide counseling, support and supplies during the pregnancy challenges as they advocate life as options for the pregnancy.

St. Alban’s Chapel: Invaluable resource directed by Rev. Rob Sturdy for Christian support, counseling, and a worship center at the Citadel that has changed the lives of

College of Charleston Campus Ministry: Support for a priest who serves college students as they encounter challenges to help establish and strengthen their faith.

National and International Support to:

ARDF(Anglican Relief Development Fund): Supports those natural and wartime disaster victims such as Kentucky tornados; conflicts such as Russia/Ukraine,
Israel/Gaza; Haiti, and Kenyan communities reaching thousands of victims through mmultiple programs.

Lamb Institute of Honduras: Mission established by Suzy McCall now in its 25th year of rescuing, caring, educating orphans from a few to now 1,000 children per day.

Hearts of the Congo: Provides a school and community center to those experiencing tribal war displacement in the Congo of Africa.

Wycliffe Bible Translators: Dedicated team of individuals who has translated the Bible into more than 2000 native languages so each person can have the ability to hear/read God’s Word in their own language.

Rivers Camp/CHAD in Africa: Missionaries Rivers and Becky Camp have dedicated their lives to share God’s love, hope, and education in Africa for more than 20 years.

SAMS: Worldwide missional organization whose goal is to spread the Word of God and Christ to all parts of the world with specific support to the Pelloni family and Jeff/Kristen Jacobs from our church group.

Water Missions International: Founded by Lowcountry Greene Family who for over 25 years has worked to provide safe water in disasters, third world countries and any place where safe water is not available.

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF): Volunteer pilots and their support staff who fly in much needed personnel, food, medications, vaccines, bibles, and supplies to areas unreachable by land.

Kenya: Our strong sister community of Marsibit once led by Father Fred Onyango to help provide resources for education, building homes and worship centers and sharing Christ’s Hope and love as they in turn have shared their strong Christian faith, love, and friendship with St. Paul’s brothers and sisters.

You and St. Paul’s Anglican continue to share “The Good News” through your outreach support. You can make a difference when you care and get involved. The ACTS 1:8 Committee is happy to share more information in any area of your interest. You will make changes and be changed. We encourage you to consider a goal of giving just 3 hours of your time in any outreach ministry of your choice. You will make changes and your life will be changed.