Prayer Ministry
Prayer is central to our life at St. Paul’s. It is our sacred privilege to pray for you.

Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry
Each Sunday, Prayer Ministers are available during Communion in the Doar Hall service to offer the laying on of hands for healing. Our ministers have been trained with Christian Healing Ministries. Our Lord wants to freely give healing, restoration, and comfort to His people and we encourage you to come with any needs for prayer.
Extended Prayer Appointments
This ministry is for those who need a longer amount of time for prayer, who may be struggling with life issues relating to grief, addictions, emotional wounds, destructive life patterns, etc. Our Inner Healing Prayer Ministers have had extensive training and are gifted in dealing with these deeper matters.
Intercessory Prayer
We keep a parish prayer list which is administered by our Pastoral Care Committee. We have a dedicated team of intercessors who pray over the prayer list each week. If you have a prayer need, please submit a prayer request.
Prayer Room
A Prayer Room is located on the second floor of Ambler Hall. This is a quiet, sacred space, equipped to make your time with the Lord comfortable, pleasant and a perfect place for Soaking Prayer (longer, silent intercession made for you while you rest), prayer groups, and individual prayer. Schedule use of this room with Heather Jackson.
Join the RAPPERS (Read and Pray Partners)
We are a small group who meet on Monday mornings, at 8:30am, in the Skardon library, to read and meditate on one of the Lectionary Readings for the following Sunday (usually the Gospel). We expect God to open our understanding of his word as we read the text aloud several times, reflecting and meditating on what the Spirit is saying to us on a personal, practical level. We pray for personal renewal, for our families, for the community of St. Paul’s and for those we know who are sick or struggling with life issues.