Outreach Ministry

Acts 1:8 – Minute for Mission
Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF)
Thanks to proceeds from the St. Paul’s Tea Room, the Acts 1:8 Outreach Committee has been able to generously support the work of the Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ARDF) for many years. Leveraging the massive network of over 85 million Anglicans around the world, ARDF connects with local Anglican churches in more than 40 countries to meet the needs of their communities through tangible acts of compassion.
Founded in 2004, the mission of ARDF is twofold: 1) to provide disaster relief to communities in crisis; and 2) to support sustainable development projects to help communities flourish over the long term.
ARDF responds both internationally and domestically in times of crisis. With ARDF’s help, much needed resources are made available to Anglican churches (and partner churches) that are providing relief to survivors after a disaster. ARDF prioritizes working through churches because the churches continue to invest and build relationships in the community long after the first responders leave. Over the last year, St. Paul’s has directed support for the flooding in Kentucky, the wildfires in Hawaii, the war in Ukraine and support for refugees from the war in Israel and Gaza.
In addition, St. Paul’s has provided funds to ARDF to use where most needed. Most of ARDF’s resources are invested in Community Development Projects. Local leaders identify needs in their communities and apply for grants. There is a rigorous system of monitoring and evaluation to create a level of accountability for each project. ARDF Development Projects fall into the following categories: Community Development; Economic Empowerment; Education; Evangelism and Discipleship; Food Security; and Health. Some examples of recent development projects are: a church community center in Brazil; a vocational training center for youth in the Democratic Republic of Congo; a new building for a growing church in Myanmar; clean water for a community in Ethiopia; and a new high school in Northern Kenya.
Since 2004, the global impact of ARDF is inspiring. Disaster relief totaling $4.4 million has been directed to 84 crisis events in 26 countries and 18 US States. There have been 230 development projects completed in 40 countries with $14.5 million committed.
Donations may be made to ARDF either online (https://ardf.org) or mailed to Anglican Relief and Development Fund, P.O. Box 645354, Pittsburgh, PA 15264-5354. Gifts may be directed to the “General Fund”, “Projects” or “Relief”.

Acts 1:8 – Minute for Mission
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center
LPC has been around since 1986 serving over 155,000 moms, dads, and families with pregnancy testing, Christian-based counseling, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, parenting classes, free baby items such as diapers, wipes, formula, clothing and other items. They also offer STI testing and a Post Abortion Care class; all FREE to the clients! They also offer pregnancy testing, viability ultrasound, and parenting classes.
In 2021, 544 moms chose LIFE for their babies, 1,035 parenting classes were taught and the gospel was shared 505 times with those who have never heard of Christ’s love for them.
They also offer the Because We Care Program. BWC is designed to help anyone in the community in need of baby items. The doors of LPC are open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 to 4 pm to the community to receive gently used baby clothing (up to 2T), diapers, wipes and formula. They currently serve approximately 45 – 50 folks per day for this program.
At this time, the needs are diapers, sizes 4, 5 & 6, wipes and formula. They are also in need of volunteers interested in becoming counselors to speak truth and life into their or clients. Volunteers receive an eight week training course specifically designed to help women see life as God’s choice for their babies.
Lowcountry Pregnancy Center:
7481 Northside Dr., Ste. B
N. Charleston, SC 29420
“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully know.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:12

Acts 1:8 – Minute for Mission
Hebron Grace Home
For many years the Acts 1:8 Outreach Committee has supported Hebron Grace Home, a Christ-centered addiction recovery for women located in Santee, SC. A men’s facility, Hebron Colony, is located in Boone, NC.
Hebron Colony/Grace Home are among the oldest facilities devoted to the restoration of individuals whose lives have been ravaged by alcohol and drug addiction and are also among the most successful. When people come to Hebron, they are physically, mentally, and spiritually sick. During their stay at Hebron, separated from the worries of the world, most regain their strength in all of these areas.
Hebron is not interested in giving people more religion; instead, they teach people how to walk in a personal relationship with Christ and begin to learn how to apply God’s principles in their everyday lives. The message stressed at Hebron Colony/Grace Home is one that is not rehabilitation but regeneration. Through Chapel services, one-on-one counseling with pastors and staff, and thought-provoking Bible studies, participants can graduate from the program with a deep understanding of Christ’s plan of salvation. Through scriptural life-application they can learn how to live a victorious life in Christ. Father John Scott regularly travels to Hebron Grace, ministering to the women and leading Bible studies, and can attest to the miraculous recoveries that have been made.
Hebron Colony/Grace Home offers a 10-week residential program at the men’s facility in Boone and a 13-week residential program at the women’s facility in Santee. There is no charge for admission other than a small, refundable medical deposit for emergency purposes. The ministry is supported entirely through the generous giving of individuals, churches, and other interested parties. People from all walks of life, all faiths, or no faith are accepted.
Hebron Colony/Grace Home’s sole mission is to reclaim lives ruined by alcohol and drug abuse through the preaching, teaching, and studying of God’s redemptive work through Jesus Christ. The love and spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood that students experience during their stay forges life-long friendships for many graduates. In fact a stay at Hebron Colony/Grace Home can be the most rejuvenating and rewarding experience of a man or a woman’s life.
Our Mission
The vision and mission of St. Paul’s Acts 1:8 – Outreach Ministry is to encourage the parish to answer the call of Jesus to be His witnesses to the uttermost parts of the earth, whether those parts are next door, in Summerville, our diocese, national, or on the other side of the world.
To read our end of the year report, please click here!

Ministry Focus
Acts 1:8 is outward – focused one that looks to fulfill Christ’s call to be His witnesses to local, diocesan, national and global ministry opportunities.
“We believe that the ministry to “feed the hungry, protect the weak and clothe the naked” (Matthew 25:37-40) flows out of Jesus’ command in Acts 1:8 to be His witnesses.
Fund Distribution
St. Paul’s continually receives God’s bounty. With grateful hearts, the Acts 1:8 Committee seeks, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to distribute this bounty through prayer and consultation with stakeholders.
Jesus said, “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8(b)

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Ministries Supported
Wycliffe Bible Translators / Phil & Catherine Leckrone – The Americas – Rose Tisdale Cameroon