Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry

The mission of Women’s Ministries is to help the women of St. Paul’s know and grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, while building authentic, Christ-centered relationships with one another.

Women’s Ministry Planning
“My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words.  Do not let them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body” Proverbs 4:20-22

Do you have something within your heart for Women’s Ministry?  Do you want to organize a fellowship event?  Facilitate a Bible Study or small group?  Organize an outreach mission? Pray together about where the Lord wants to take us? Please contact Joan Ilagan, jkilagan@hotmail.com, who is the Coordinator of Women’s Ministries, for more information about this vibrant ministry!

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study 



Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study
In the evening beginning on Wednesday, September 4 the group will meet in the Atrium from 6-8 pm If you are interested in attending and /or have any questions please contact Jeannnie Dukes jijidukes2@icloud.com. This fall we will be offering the book: David: Seeking a Heart Like His.

Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Post-Abortion Bible Study

 Forgiven and Set Free is a Bible study designed to provide freedom from the bondage of guilt and grief that follow abortion.

Please contact Cindy 404-218-6745 (cgaskins@myliferesources.org) for more information and to sign up.  


Titus 2 Discipleship Groups

“He leads me in paths of righteousness” (Psalm 23:2) pictures a shepherd leading a flock down a well-worn sheep trail toward the pasture where they will stop on their journey. This is the right path, a trusted path, a good path, known by the shepherd and perhaps even by the sheep. If you believe you don’t have to figure out the “paths of righteousness” on your own, why not pray and consider joining a small women’s discipleship group this fall. These inter-generational groups are comprised of 4 women who meet at least twice a month to learn more about their Shepherd through Bible Study. They are intentionally kept small so there is more likelihood of growing closer to the Lord and one another. If interested, please contact Patricia Smith at patriciasmith500@gmail.com