Capital Campaign
Let Us Rise Up and BuildLet Us Rise Up and Build: The Campaign for St. Paul’s
“I told them how the hand of my God had been favorable to me and also about the king’s words which he had spoken to me. Then they said, ‘Let us arise and build.’ So they put their hands to the good work.” Nehemiah 2:18

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Dear St. Paul’s Family,
God has entrusted a beautiful campus to the parishioners of St. Paul’s.
Every day when I look around—at the Historic Church, Ambler Hall, Doar Hall, Skardon Hall, and the CY building that houses our schools—I marvel at the good work the Holy Spirit makes possible: parishioners deepening their connection to Christ in life groups and serving neighbors at our food pantry and clothing closet; teachers and youth leaders raising toddlers, children, and teenagers to become ambassadors of God’s Kingdom; our church body coming together to worship each Sunday at Doar Hall and the Historic Church.
But when I look a little closer at the buildings where we worship, pray, gather, study, and serve, I see structures in need of great repair. And I know you do too. While we have made investments over the last few years—new roofs on Ambler and the church sacristy, along with new AC units at Skardon and Doar—we have come to a point in time when we need to accelerate the pace of repair and invest in the entire campus.
That is why I am excited to announce Let Us Arise and Build: The Campaign for St. Paul’s. Through this campaign, we will complete deferred maintenance and repairs across St. Paul’s campus and restore the exteriors of our two historic structures. Like Nehemiah and his followers, we will honor God by caring for and repairing the magnificent place He has entrusted to us. In doing so, we will secure a strong future for each of our ministries.
I invite you to become a partner on this journey. St. Paul’s will put your donations to work right away so that we can make an even bigger impact on God’s Kingdom tomorrow.
Russ Gantt
Campaign Chair
Caring for our worship and ministry spaces is an act of evangelism. By acting as good stewards for historic and modern-day buildings and grounds, we show respect for what God has given us, create opportunities for our parishioners to deepen their connection to Christ, and encourage our neighbors to step inside and see the good work God is doing through St. Paul’s.
We are raising Kingdom Children. We need to pour our resources into them. These babies and children, they are the future of St. Paul’s.
Summerville is a very historic place. The church is very historic. I was baptized here, confirmed here, and married here. This is my spiritual home, where I just find myself grounded in my faith, where I feel a connection to God. To be good stewards, we’ve got to maintain the places we worship and minister to the community.