Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry offers several branches within the ministry.

Fellowship: Alex Arntz,

Service: Skip Williams,

Prayer: TBD

Discipleship: St. Paul’s is offering a discipleship program called “Radical Mentoring.” The vision of this program is as follows: “Radical Mentoring equips men to develop authentic relationships and overcome issues holding them back from living ‘life to the full.’” The meetings are once a month over the course of a year. Significant Christian books are read each month, Scripture is memorized, and homework is given to deepen one’s walk with the Lord. If you would like to learn more, please contact Tripp Jeffords,, or Russ Grant, for more information.
Bible Study: Rick Martier

Three opportunities for fellowship and growth in Christ:
Tuesdays at 8:00 AM until 9:00 AM – CONTACT: Jerry Merritt   

The Remnant Bible Study Group:
This small study group meets each Tuesday morning at 8 AM.  It is committed to having robust, serious discussions on subjects found throughout scripture. Topics are agreed upon and members may volunteer to lead the discussion.   We rely heavily on video resources to learn and clarify our understanding of God’s word.  We consider a “good study” to be one in which every member has contributed their thoughts and perspectives.  Caring for, and helping each other as Christian brothers, is an important part of our group.  Our meetings typically last one hour.

Tuesdays at 7:00 PM – Jay Lombardo leads this study
Fridays at 6:30 AM – Rick Martier leads this study.

Diocesan Men’s Ministry: Russ Gantt

Christian Men’s Conference: Faith in the Home, Feb. 24-26 St. Christopher Camp and Conference Center. Register at 

Men’s Breakfast: This is held monthly, on the third Saturday of each month. All men are invited to attend and are encouraged to bring a friend, son, grandson, neighbor, etc. The food is excellent, the company is terrific and the Spirit is present. They are at 8 AM in the Atrium.