Senior Ministries- O.W.L.S- Older, Wiser, Lively Servants

St. Paul’s OWLS – Older, Wiser, Lively Servants
If you are new to St. Paul’s, please consider OWLS as a way to connect. We exist to promote the wellbeing of senior members through fellowship, to ensure no one is lost or forgotten, and to make available resources pertinent to OWLS. We want to provide opportunities for service, social, and physical activities.
Our acronym stands for Older Wiser Livelier Servants.
We are planning many different occasions to travel or connect and hope that there will be at least one event that will be of interest to each of you.
Fellowship – is a high priority for OWLS. A schedule of weekly and monthly activities allow members to connect to one another through book clubs, exercise classes, game days, speaker programs and classes.
Discipleship – encouragement in God’s word through classes and bible studies
Outreach – carrying out the Great Commission; allowing others to see Christ in action through us as we form strategic partnerships with other ministries within St. Paul’s and with organizations within the Summerville community.

Upcoming Events

Grandparents at Prayer
Grandparents at Prayer meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 10 am in the Church Building to pray for our adult children and our grandchilren. All are invited.
If you are a grandparent by blood or by circumstance, please consider joining us in the old church building as we come together to “fight this spiritual battle with the spiritual weapon of prayer” for our children and grandchildren.
Other Activities
Mah Jongg
Anyone interested in Mahjongg, have a suggestion for another kind of card game, or any questions? Please contact Cathie Diggs, at 843-814-6154, or
Book Club
Book Club meets the fourth Wednesday of every month in the OWLS nest (Room 5 in Skardon) at 10:30. All are welcome. Contact Dawn Schaeperkoetter at or 843-696-1749
Fitness Classes
Fitness classes are led by our own certified fitness instructor, Ronna Toombs. All classes are free. Ronna Toombs is your contact for these classes: or 843-509-9009.