Life Groups

Life Groups: A Family That Grows Together

Life Groups at St Paul’s are the lifeblood of the church because they provide a space for believers to engage in meaningful community and spiritual growth.
Just as Paul outlines in Colossians 1:28, in his mission to present everyone fully mature in Christ, Life Groups are a key setting where this transformation begins to take place. In Life Groups, individuals will be taught, encouraged, and held accountable in their walk with Christ, fostering deep relationships that reflect Christ’s love and grace. These groups offer opportunities for discipleship community and mission, allowing members to apply the teachings of scripture to their everyday lives. Additionally, Life Groups provide a support system where believers can pray for one another, share struggles, and celebrate victories, creating an environment of spiritual nourishment. By participating in Life Groups, the church becomes a place where people grow in their faith together, living out the mission to present everyone fully mature in Christ. Through regular interaction and study, these groups help believers better understand the hope and purpose they have in Jesus.
If you would like to get connected to a Life Group, please reach out to our Priest Assistant for Life Groups and Discipleship, Fr. Phillip at

Women’s Groups

Monday Morning 10:30 am

Contact: Ronna Toombs          
Women (All Ages)                        
Bible Study (Holy Scripture)
Meets in Skardon Hall Conference Room


Friday Mornings 9:30 am

Contact: Cathy McGrew
Women (all ages)
Bible Study – see calendar for current study
Meets in Atrium


Wednesday Mornings 9:00 am

Contact Jojo Ilagan:

Women’s discipleship class

Meetings in Historic Church Building 

Men’s Groups

Tuesday Men’s Group 7:45 am

Contact: Jerry Merritt 843.872.1806
Men (All Ages)            
Prayer, Fellowship, Bible Study
Doar Hall Atrium


Wednesday Lunch Group 12:00 

Contact: Father John Scott
Men (All Ages)            
Prayer / Book Study /Bible
Atrium (lunch included)


Tuesday Night Group 7:00 pm

Contact: Jay Lombardo
Men (All Ages)            
Skardon Hall – Library






Men and Women 

Monday Mornings 8:00 am

Centering Prayer – The Lectio Divina model of reading, meditating, and praying Scripture is followed. We then devote time for corporate intercessory prayer for our clergy, upcoming events, or concerns at St. Paul’s, along with national and personal prayer concerns.
Contact Bu Huge or Patricia Smith 
Church Bldg. Sacristy