Women's Ministry

Women’s Ministry
The mission of Women’s Ministries is to help the women of St. Paul’s know and grow closer to the Lord Jesus Christ, while building authentic, Christ-centered relationships with one another.
Women’s Ministry Planning
“My son, pay attention to what I say; listen closely to my words. Do not let them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to a man’s whole body” Proverbs 4:20-22
Do you have something within your heart for Women’s Ministry? Do you want to organize a fellowship event? Facilitate a Bible Study or small group? Organize an outreach mission? Pray together about where the Lord wants to take us? Please contact Joan Ilagan, jkilagan@hotmail.com, who is the Coordinator of Women’s Ministries, for more information about this vibrant ministry!
Wednesday Morning Discipleship
Call to Discipleship
Wednesdays, starting September 4, from 9:00 – 11:00 am join our women’s discipleship group. The Call To Discipleship is a community based Bible study committed to providing an opportunity to know Jesus, be transformed by His Word, and to be equipped to serve the world in His name.
CONTACT: Jojo Ilagan <jojokingilagan@gmail.com>
Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study
In the evening beginning on Wednesday, September 4 the group will meet in the Atrium from 6-8 pm If you are interested in attending and /or have any questions please contact Jeannnie Dukes jijidukes2@icloud.com. This fall we will be offering the book: David: Seeking a Heart Like His.
Friday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Post-Abortion Bible Study
Forgiven and Set Free is a Bible study designed to provide freedom from the bondage of guilt and grief that follow abortion.
Please contact Cindy 404-218-6745 (cgaskins@myliferesources.org) for more information and to sign up.